Office Hours are a new way for parents to communicate with the Director(s) of Thames at Mitchell College. For the next four weeks, you can log on to our one-hour sessions and speak to us directly. We selected a few different days and times to meet our busy schedules. This would be a good time for a group conversation about questions, upcoming events, and transition planning. This is an open Zoom time that gives people a chance to ask questions and connect. Because of the open nature of the meetings, we will refrain from specific student information, grades, or personal situations.
No need to sign up or register, just log on to the Zoom times below and ask your questions. We look forward to proactively sharing information and news as our program moves through the next four weeks.
Week One: Date and Time: Wednesday February 15, 2023 / 4:00 PM EST
Week Two: Date and Time: Tuesday February 21, 2023 / 7:00 PM EST
Week Three: Date and Time: Monday February 27, 2023 / 3:00 PM EST
Week Four: Date and Time: Thursday March 9, 2023 / 3:00 PM EST
Zoom Room:
Password: math